(Michelle Riddle Photography w/ The littlest Heroes Project)
Wow Mason is really three years old today! It is truly hard to believe
all that this kiddo has been through in three years. He is such a strong
little guy with an extremely powerful will to live. Along with this will.....
........lots of HOPE ,FAITH, & PRAYER, modern medicine, belief in
Heavenly Father's plan, and of course his special donor family's gift
of life - all worked together to keep him here on earth with us,
even when his prognosis was very grim. We feel so blessed to be
part of Miracle Mason's amazing journey and for the lesson's we
have learned along the way!! HAPPY 3RD BIRTHDAY MASON!!!
Weighing in at almost 28 lb's Mason is doing great.
He is still a liitle squirt just beginning to wear size 2 pants
(well, he does need size three shirts to comfortably fit over his
chubby little steroid tummy and his g-tube button) and only
wears a size 5 1/2 shoe, but He seems to get stronger and
have increased energy each day. Mason finally has a renewed
interest in pulling to a stand and cruising furniture. Yeah!
Honestly, I'd hoped he'd be walking by today. His 3rd birthday
would have been s great time to accomplish this milestone, but
as we all know, Mason follows his own schedule always!
But, I won't complain because a year ago on this day we all
had a struggle believing he'd still be with us for his third birthday!
Here are some cute pictures from this last month:

has to help his weight gain just a little. Probably
not because he's usually done after a few nibbles,
but at least there is hope he'll eat again.)

Which is fine, until he hid the computer mouse from us.)

lass out in it for a few minutes before he's shivering.
Here he is outside with Kaitlin and Ammon.)

Braiden and Preston were throwing snowballs
from the deck up above until...........)

Mason, as your mommy I feel honored to
call you mine. I feel honored you chose to come
to our home when you left your home up above.
I feel honored you have let me care for you
(even if it means I haven't slept much in 3 years),
for I couldn't think of a better gift than to take care
of a very special child of God. You are so loved by
your 4 siblings and your daddy and I!
Thank you for the love and peace you bring into our home!
Thank you for being you.
Happy Birthday Miracle Mason!
call you mine. I feel honored you chose to come
to our home when you left your home up above.
I feel honored you have let me care for you
(even if it means I haven't slept much in 3 years),
for I couldn't think of a better gift than to take care
of a very special child of God. You are so loved by
your 4 siblings and your daddy and I!
Thank you for the love and peace you bring into our home!
Thank you for being you.
Happy Birthday Miracle Mason!
Happiest of Birthdays to your little sweet cheeks.
God Bless you all
Happy Happy Birthday Miracle Mason!! It's been quite the journey. Thanks for sharing Summer. You have such a great family, even though we never get to see you guys we sure love you and your awesome example of Faith and Hope. Have a great day!!!
Happy Birthday Miracle boy! You've been on quite an adventure your first three years. We can't wait to see you again. Owen and you would have fun in your cars, playing in the kitchen sink and scooting around the house munchin on chips. Two of a Kind!
I hope your birthday is amazing!
Wow, what a journey you have been on with your sweet Mason. You are so blessed to have him in your life. Happy Birthday Mason!!
Happy Happy Birthday Mason! You have lived more life in 3 years than most people experience in a life time. What a wonderful day to rejoice! Wishing you continued blessings and great things your way.
Happy 3rd birthday Mason!! Love all the birthday pictures. Happy for all his milestones.
Happy 3rd Birthday Mason!!! You are a lil hero! I love the pictures, thank you for sharing!!
Happy 3rd Birthday Mason!!!!! We love you and your always in our thoughts and prayers:)
Keep eating those chips;)
Oh he is so sweet! I love the pic of him getting hit by the snowball! I am so happy for Mason and for all of your family!! Happy Birthday Mason!!
Hi Mason
My name is Jenna and I came across your blog. U are a brave courageous fighter in life. U are a hero. I know what it is like to an illness. I suffer a terminal disease. My site: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/champ291
Happy Birthday little Mason! You are so loved!
Yay! I thought about him on his big day! :) we are so happy he is doing so well and continue to pray for him! Happy birthday miracle mason!!! :)
Happy 3rd Birthday!! I've been following your journey for well over a year & am so pleased to be reading about your 3rd b-day!!
My 3rd daughter will be 3 later this month & is just about the same size as Mason! Just started wearing 2T pants, wears a size 6 shoe & is about 27 lbs. She was 4 weeks early but that's about it to explain her small size - she's just little!
So if Mason like petite girls we can fix 'em up in about 20 years (when her daddy decides to let her date!)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY miracle Mason! We are so happy to have been able to witness your journey so far. We are praying for 103 more fabulous years where you continue to thrive and show God's glory.
I love the car picture. Ava always loved the one at the Ronald McDonald House and would get in and say "To the Ritz Carlton, please!" (I wish! I'd reply). All of your pictures brought such a smile to our house today. Thanks!
Happy Birthday beautiful boy! You are such an inspiration. As we wait for Lydia's heart and watch the Berlin do it's job we think of you and have hope. :)
I would love to share Mason's story on my blog! Please go to my blog to learn about the fundraiser I have started :) I was born with Tetralogy of Fallot, I had open heart surgery at 8 months old and now at the age of 25, I am getting ready for me Second surgery in February! Many many prayers to your little guy ♥
These 3rd birthday pictures made me wish if I was a kid again. Well, now my kid is going to be 5 soon and we are making plans for a fun DIY party for him at the garden NYC venues but not able to decide on the theme. If you have suggestions, please share here.
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