Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'm 10 Months Old Now

Look at me I am 10 months old now. Wow!

Ammon loves Mason. (But, sometimes he
doesn't quite know how to show him softly.)

Braiden & Mason are on the famous "Big Red Chair".

Teaching Mason to ride the rocking horse!

"I still like my toes better than baby food!"

Poor Mason! Kaitlin wishes he were a sister sometimes!

Mason turned 10 months on Tuesday September 30th. What a long 10 months this has been! Though, I am so grateful for all we have been through with Mason. It is amazing what motherhood does to you. Once you have this new little newborn, you instantly love him more than you can imagine, and would do anything you had to to save his life! Now, if you had asked me a year ago if I could handle what lay ahead (being that Mason was not pre-diagnosed), I may have said "oh, there is no way. My hands are already so full! He will be a happy easy baby!" (Well, the part about the easy baby I did say, cuz my last 2 were extremely colicky, and I figured Ammon's special needs were enough for me!!!) But when you are given a special baby like Mason, you just do what you have to! That is a special gift given to mothers from our dear Heavenly Father. Not that I don't have teary, frustrating, crazy, days. Cuz I do have lots of those. But am grateful for the Love of Motherhood!


queenieweenie said...

And "oh so cute"!

Mandee said...

I don't know how you do it all- you are an amazing mom!

Stephanie said...

Summer, you are Super Mom! What fun pics. Mason is precious. 10 months, Wow!