The kids made this cute sign & hung it on the garage.
Mason was so happy to be leaving the hospital.
Mason is quite excited to hear he gets to go home!
Mason is doing well at home. Our nights have been long as expected, but hopefully his sleeping will get better as he continues to recover and feel better. I think he must still be having headaches, because he is just not his smiling self yet. He is on 1/4 liter of O2 to help keep his pulmonary artery wide open and so he does not have to work as hard. They said at his clinic in 2 weeks they will do x-rays and check sats, but he probably won't have to be on it anymore after that. He also came home with a feeding tube to help with feedings if he tired out and also it makes giving medicine a whole lot easier. But that lasted only 2 days! I think it was bugging him more than it was helping, so the N.P. told me just to take it out because he is eating just fine.
It is so great to have him back home so much quicker than the 1st surgery. We are so grateful for all the prayers, child care, meals, gifts, and all the loving support.
Wow Kaitlyn looks so much like you! She is beautiful. I am happy he is doing so well, I hope you get some sleep soon!
I watch all of this with tears streaming down my face. Love the music. Our families are so similar, it's easy to try to put my self in your shoes. I would fold from the strain. I know I would. I am in awe of the strength and faith you're approaching each day with. Mason is so precious and beautiful. My prayers go up with everyone else's...
Hey guys,
I'm so excited that Mason got to go home so soon. Sorry about the sleepless nights Summer.....I feel your pain!! Give my boyfriend a big hug & kiss for me!
p.s. this blogging thing was complicated! :)
So nice to see your beautiful family back together again!! YEAH!!
The Gibson Family
I am so glad you are home and he is doing well! Hopefully this is the start of a LONG stay at home!!!
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