Miracle Mason is now 30 months old (as of May 30th)! Wow! Is he really already 2 ½ years old? This little guy has sure been through a lot in his 2 ½ years of life!
Although it feels like I have run many many marathons in these last 2 ½ years (but actually not even 1 since he was born) and parts of this journey seem like a decade ago, it seems like just yesterday that I held 5lb little newborn Mason and had NO idea of the journey we were about to begin nor that our family’s lives would change forever!
At 3 days old when Mason crashed and ‘flat lined’ in front of my eyes I had NO idea of the trials, the joys, the fears, the blessings, the prayers, the tears, nor the mountains we would climb during the journey we were entering to fight for the life of our very special child.
I wouldn’t trade all the lessons I’ve learned or the faith I’ve gained during these last 2 ½ years for ANYTHING!
Happy 30 months Miracle Mason! Cheers to you and all the mountains you have climbed!! Thank you for teaching all of us so many lessons about life and HOPE!!

A cute little tid bit: Mason was very sad when the home health care company came and picked up his O2 concentrator and tanks the other day. He had real big alligator tears!! Poor little guy! He must have felt like they were taking away his toys or something very important. He should have been jumping for joy like the rest of us to know he doesn’t need extra O2’s anymore!!
Dear family back home,
Oh how we miss you and wish you were here to celebrate 30 months with baby brother. I miss how you make him laugh better than I ever can! I miss watching him scoot around the house following you. Mason and I both miss your smiles, hugs, and kisses. I’d even come home to all the messes and piles of laundry if I could just to be with you right now!! Soon. Soon. Soon we will be together again!
Mommy and Mason
God bless this little Cherub and all the people who love and care for him.
Happy 30 Months!! Mason looks so great and pink in all those pictures! I'm glad that you are on the Home stretch.
I'm pretty sure Owen will react in the same way (someday) when his o2 is gone. He freaks out when I have to change his Cannula, like I'm NOT going to put another one right back on. It's crazy, but it's all they know.
He looks so healthy!! Way to go Miracle Mason!
He looks great! Ellie had the same reaction with her meds the other day. We decreased a couple and that night she was sitting on the counter as I gave the other ones and she took a syringe and one med that I was not giving her anymore and tried to put it in the bottle and said peas,peas, peas mommy. Like Owen's mommy said, it's all they know. Glad to see Mason doing so well.
Becca-Ellie's mom
I am so in love with Mason. He is just such a little ham. I love that you are able to go to the park and do such fun things together! He is doing such a great job. I continue to pray for your family and I know that you will be home before long. Just look at him. Amazing! Good job Summer! Sending lots of love!
Those rosy cheeks are absolutely adorable!! He looks wonderful! Happy 30 months Birthday Mason~ You are an inspiration
So glad to hear he's doing so well. We continue to pray for your family! My daughter, Hannah, and I will be out at Stanford next M-W (6/14-16) doing a research study for her health condition... I would love to meet you! We are LDS and live in Texas, but we used to live in central CA and went to Stanford for all her cardio appts. Love the docs there! Please email me if you're interested in meeting up! Julie- mom to Hannah... Turner Syndrome pamperedjules@yahoo.com
Look at those cheeks!!! WOW!! The steroids must be doing their job cause he looks so pink and chubby! YAY! I hope that you continue to beat the odds and get back to UT soon!
Thank you for your strength and inspiration. Thank you for being Mason's Miracle Mommy! Thank you!
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