Sunday, January 13, 2008

Miracle Mason Made It Home!

Dear friends and family,

We brought our little miracle Mason home on Thursday afternoon. Things have been quite crazy at our house since, so this is why I'm just now announcing his homecoming!! It is so nice to have him home. Although, I do feel like a nurse from the PICU now ( and Mark says he's the attending Dr.!!), giving him different meds throughout the day, giving shots, feeding him every 3 hours( even at night) first by bottle for about 15 minutes then putting the rest on the feeding pump going into his NG feeding tube, which is still quite a bit....he tires easily, cleaning out the feeding pump, pumping my breast milk, and then starting the whole process over. Oh yeah and I have 4 other kids to take care of too!! He is doing quite well and our kids are so happy to have him and us home now! Now we just need to keep him very healthy and plump him up for his next surgery.

We are so humbled by and grateful for all the amazing service that has been shown to us since Mason's birth. Thankyou everyone! We love you!

(p.s Mason is 6 weeks old now! ) *This picture above was long awaited for......Mason in front of
the Christmas tree at home, just a few weeks late!!!

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