Friday, October 29, 2010

Home Again

I'm happy to announce we made it safely back home last night! I will say I was sad to leave the sunshine and come home to snow, but definitely glad we got to return as planned. Yes, that really does mean Mason for once did not surprise us w/ anything unexpected! Everything went smoothly. The transplant team was very happy with how well Mason is doing. Wednesday's echo looked beautiful as well as his blood work that came back w/ great numbers (Cyclosporine level, electrolytes, cbc, etc...). We won't know results of the pre and post antibody blood tests (DSA and HLA) from Tuesday's IVIg until late next week. We are hoping these treatments are keeping the bad attacking antibodies under control!!

If Mason continues to do well then he won't need a heart catheter and biopsy until the end of December. This is because his last 3 biopsy's (performed at the end of July, August, and September) were all big fat wonderful ZERO's!! That will be a nice break for his body. Mason did not have to have a biopsy while we were at Stanford because he had his 6 month Biopsy at the End of September at Primary's (just a few days shy of his 6 month post transplant birthday of October 4th.)

The only bummer of our meeting with w/ Mason's transplant team was that they don't want to come down on any more of his meds until April! I'd hoped he could at least come down just a little more on his steroids, but no. They said (I'm paraphrasing in my own words), "he's doing so well, let's not rock the boat." Mason is due back at Stanford the first week in April for his YEAR hearth cath, biopsy, and check up. Until then, we will continue to do bi-weekly visits and blood draws with Dr. Everett and her team at Primary's.

Mason and I enjoyed the beautiful whether on our walks to and from the hospital this week. Yesterday before we caught our plane home, we even went for a nice sunny run! On our run I took a picture of my favorite street in Palo Alto. It is Palm Dr. and leads you up to the main quad on Stanford's campus. (And have I ever mentioned how incredibly huge the campus is.......there's no way you could even walk from one class to the next. All the students ride bikes to each class. When I went to BYU I thought that was big, but not now! )


Mason has become quite the champion flyer now! He did just as great on the flight home as he did on the way there. He sat in his own seat, helped me wipe down everything with Lysol wipes, opened and shut the window, sipped his sprite, pretended to play big brother's DS, and then fell asleep. I think the people around us were surprised to see a toddler behave so well on a plane! But, if they only knew how he behaved in the middle of the night!!!


I need to mention a few special people who made our trip possible.........Andrea M and Mary H for providing flight miles for our plane tickets, Paige B and Heather J for the rides to and from the airport, and Heather L for letting Mason and I stay in your home. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

And another special thank you to Mason's donor family who made this ALL truly possible. I think of you daily and hope to someday find out who you are! Until then may the Lord continue to shower you with love and comfort.


Allison said...

Great news all around! I am so glad that you are home on schedule to celebrate Halloween as a family!

Jennifer said...

glad it all went well and that you made it home!

i'd love to have some of that california sunshine here too!