Thursday, December 30, 2010
Oh No, Not Croup!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas

"A child is born tonight in Bethlehem,
His mother holds him close and sings a sweet lullaby,
All the world lay sleeping, unaware that God himself has come in the night.
The shepherds tremble as the angels sing, and in their song the voice of God speaks peace to the world,
A miracle has happened: God has come and God has spoken...but the miracle has only just begun.
And the God who spoke is speaking still,
And the God who came still comes,
And the miracle that happened still happens in the heart that will believe,
And we see the miracle of Christmas.
So come to Bethlehem again and see the one who's come to rescue us: our saviour and king,
Bring your past, the joy, the sorrow, all your hope to find tomorrow,
And hear the words again: "Fear not and know that God is near."
For the God who spoke is speaking still,
And the God who came still comes,
And the miracle that happened still happens in the heart that will believe, and receive the miracle of Christmas.
The miracle.
And the God who spoke is speaking still,
And the God who came still comes,
And the miracle that happened still happens in the heart that will believe, and receive the miracle of Christmas.
Believe the miracle of Christmas,
Will you believe?"
("The Miracle Of Christmas" lyrics by Steven Curtis Chapman)
These lyrics bring tears to my eyes each time I read them. The Miracle of Christmas is what makes miracles possible in our lives today. The Miracle of Christmas is what has made Mason's miracles all possible.
May you all feel the love and gift of our Savior this Christmas and all year long. We want to send a special "Merry Christmas" and "thank you" to Mason's donor family. It has been 8 1/2 months since Mason received his Angel Heart and not one day has gone by that I haven't thanked them in Prayer to my Father Above. I truly hope someday we can meet.
It has also been 8 1/2 months since Mason surpassed all medical hope. He is the youngest patient known to receive a heart transplant having just one healthy lung. He is doing so well! We feel so BLESSED! Having Mason still with us and thriving this Christmas was certainly a far of hope and dream last year. The medical world had given us very little belief that this would be possible. And here we are together as a family with all our special and amazing 5 children. I couldn't ask for a better Christmas gift!!! (Okay now i just made my self cry! But at least they are tears of extreme gratitude and joy!)
I need to wish a very Merry Christmas to someone very special to our family! To Sammi who I call an "Angel" and "an answer to prayers" (while I was at Stanford with Mason she also earned the title "Super Nanny" by all our friends and family who saw her in action) I want to tell you how much we love you and appreciate all you've done for our family. All the hours you've donated to us this year out of pure LOVE will never be forgotten!!! (She went home to Vegas to spend 5 days with her parents. She's only been gone 2 days and we all ready miss her smiling face.)
One more quote I love:
What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace. - Agnes M. Pharo
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Birthday Boy Pictures & How is Mason Doing?

“That is because the greatest joys and the greatest sorrows we experience are in family relationships. The joys come from putting the welfare of others above our own. That is what love is.” ~Henry B Eyring
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Happy 3rd Birthday!

(Michelle Riddle Photography w/ The littlest Heroes Project)
Wow Mason is really three years old today! It is truly hard to believe
Weighing in at almost 28 lb's Mason is doing great.
He is still a liitle squirt just beginning to wear size 2 pants
(well, he does need size three shirts to comfortably fit over his
chubby little steroid tummy and his g-tube button) and only
wears a size 5 1/2 shoe, but He seems to get stronger and
have increased energy each day. Mason finally has a renewed
interest in pulling to a stand and cruising furniture. Yeah!
Honestly, I'd hoped he'd be walking by today. His 3rd birthday
would have been s great time to accomplish this milestone, but
as we all know, Mason follows his own schedule always!
But, I won't complain because a year ago on this day we all
had a struggle believing he'd still be with us for his third birthday!
Here are some cute pictures from this last month:

has to help his weight gain just a little. Probably
not because he's usually done after a few nibbles,
but at least there is hope he'll eat again.)

Which is fine, until he hid the computer mouse from us.)

lass out in it for a few minutes before he's shivering.
Here he is outside with Kaitlin and Ammon.)

Braiden and Preston were throwing snowballs
from the deck up above until...........)

call you mine. I feel honored you chose to come
to our home when you left your home up above.
I feel honored you have let me care for you
(even if it means I haven't slept much in 3 years),
for I couldn't think of a better gift than to take care
of a very special child of God. You are so loved by
your 4 siblings and your daddy and I!
Thank you for the love and peace you bring into our home!
Thank you for being you.
Happy Birthday Miracle Mason!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving

Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Halloween Happenings 2010